Supreme Gladiator Series
Welcome to the Supreme Gladiator seriesForum post linkOnly the best players get the chance to become a Gladiator and fight for the honour, the cash and the girls.Handpicked pairings guarantee thrilling and action packed matches on all kinds of maps. The first duelJaggedApplianceClan: [e]mpireLadderrank: #20Age: 23Occupation: StudentNation: IrelandJoined: December 2014Special moment during his FAF career:Winning…
Beta testing for client needed!
There is a beta version of the client in development but we need to fix some bugs in it before it can be released! Of course you can just download it and use it as normal if you wish. However it is a beta so expect some things not to work! You can download it…
Empire ladder week has begun!
Empire ladder week is starting at 0pm GMT+1 ! 11/04/2016 We have set up channels in our TS server so you can join them and chill with us while playing ladder. Simply PM an [e] clan member for the IP. We aim to always have at least one stream running at all times. when you have…
[hana-flv-player video=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhh_GeBPOhs” width=”640″ height=”autow” description=”” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /] Forged Alliance Forever is a community created and run by the community and currently the developers team is working really hard but we need more developers. If you have any sort of programming background, old or new, we’d love to hear from you! Have…
Battle for Procyon Tournament
Welcome to the Battle for Procyon, and the UEF invasion of the Cybran homeworld upon their cry for independence. Step into the confines of your faction’s ACU and seek glory on the blood red wasteland.http://supcom.wikia.com/wiki/Procyon Sign up on the forum. =