Yuri’s Blitz #16 – 1v1, 1000-1500 (with PRIZES!)
Thursday, 3rd of August. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuir’s stream. 1st round (by challonge) played simultaneously, so no need to observe every game, and tournament is faster (and can service more players). PRIZES 1st place – Mass Effect Andromeda account. Maybe more prizes will be added. If tournament will be big (more than…
RU vs GB 4 – Defence edition
Monday, 31st of July. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. There’s going to be a friendly matches between russian-speaking (ex.USSR) and british players. Idea is this: 1 GB (1400-2000) vs 3 RU (1000 and under). 1 GB gets 1 minute of head start. 3 RU wait for 1 minute, doing nothing.…
Yuri’s Blitz #15 – Krazy x100 res (1x1x1x1 FFA)
Monday, 17th of July. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. So you need to be online and play during that time, games will be created and narrated by Yuri live. Any rating. Different maps. Get ready to be surprised. 4 players free for all – 1v1v1v1. x100 resources. Cybran Reaper (experimental…
Yuri’s Blitz #14 – 1v1, 1200 global rating or lower
Thursday, 13th of July. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. 1st round (by challonge) played simultaneously, so no need to observe every game, and tournament is faster (and can service more players). Blitz tournament, fast 1v1 on random 5x5km maps (whichever Yuri will choose if he’s observing in-game live, or whichever…
Pro & Joe 1v1
This will been a single elimination round setup so once you lose, you’re out. There is a prize pool of £40 to be split between both players. Rules and requirements Ranking Joe Global = 1k-1.5k Pro Global = 1.6k+ Rules are that the Joe will be the one actively playing the game where as the…