October 2016 Server Update
Updated server software have been installed. Changelog Server v0.4 Fixed issue #175 “Don’t rate single player games” Fixed issue #200 “Ingame swords still display in aeolus” Fixed issue #201 “Make sure game / players are dirtied when a game connection ends” Fixed issue #202 “Games with uneven and FFA player count are rated (2v6)” Fixed…
Feedback on features
Hey all, we’re trying to get a lot more user-feedback features involved with FAF. These will come with time, and first we have an ideas page. We would like to get your ideas on how Forged Alliance Forever should be improved. Tell us about new features we should consider or how we can improve existing…
New FAF Discord server
Hello, we have just launched a Discord server for FAF. We are currently testing it out as a replacement for the current mumble servers. Here is a list of features it offers: Voice communication, obviously Chat channels with a complete history – you can log off and still not miss a thing Proper permissions –…
Patch 3654
Patch 3654 has been released, changelog as follows: Reverted The change in 3652 which refreshed intel for a blip on upgrade had unintentional free intel side effects we have been unable to solve. As such, that change has been reversed UI Fixed reductions in MaxHealth resulting in UI displaying 10000/9000 HP Added slot numbers in…
Server update
Hi, we’ve just released a server update with the following changes: Better documentation on how to run server Add support for custom coop missions Fix access to faf-api, finally enabling events and achievements Improvements in UID check Fix a problem with too many games in the ‘closed’ state being sent out initially The latter item…