Cast: Epic 4v1 Phantom
A Stunning Phantom game that ends in a desperate 4v1 struggle for survival. Expect multiple paragons, 50+ nukes, and hundreds of strats!
An interview with Banani
Klutz asks the newest addition to the FAF Pro-Scene, Banani, about his experiences and hardships in the recent summer invitational.
FAF’s NewsHub Needs You!
Do you enjoy writing news posts? Do you think there is a youtuber that doesn’t get enough of the spotlight? This is your chance to help FAF!
Summer Invitational!
Join Swkoll and other high rated players on FAF Live (Twitch) to see the best of the best playing right now!
Cast: Carnage Generator!
Ever wondered what would happen if you put buncha bloodthirsty noobs on small map? Well, wonder no longer as the carnage unfolds!