Server update
Hello! There will be a server update/restart on Monday 4/03/19 around 13h GMT+1 This update will bring the following changes to the server : Various code cleanups (internal) The control server now displays some stats about the number of games hosted and players connected The game title, if set to nothing, will default to “X’s…
March Map Spotlight
Greetings, Commanders! MikZZ presents four maps of various topology, sure to bring you diverse gameplay! Misterious Z 10x10km, 6 players The secret laboratory was located away from the theater of operations. Tests and improvements ended suddenly, the whole team was destroyed and the results were lost when the earth awoke. What other secrets does the…
New report form
Hello everyone! We’ve finally pushed to the website a feature that had been teased a few months earlier : the new report form! You can access it here : http://faforever.com/account/report It will slowly and definitely replace the old one (the google form one), we’re replacing the links one by one – but if there’s one…
King of Crimson Feud
Greetings, Most commanders think they have Crimson Feud all figured out. It’s a simple map with just a couple corner expansions, some mexes and some reclaim here and there. Just spam your way to victory, right? Well, here’s a contest hosted by Rowey to decide which commanders actually have mastery of the map, and which…
Map Spotlight
Greetings commanders! Go extraterrestrial with these new maps by svenni_badwoi and DeathStorm! Adaptive Mars Mangala Fossa by svenni_badbwoi http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=14976&p=170346#p170346 Features: -Rotated real world map from the Mangala Fossa region on Mars. The heightmap was created from MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) data! -The map contains an unique decal* to achieve an authentic look developed by…