Call for Java Developers
Times change and so does FAF. This is a call to all Java developers, who are hiding in the shadows and want to contribute but were not interested in contributing to the current stack of Python code. We have a huge pile of new emerging Java projects, that look out for new developers and maintainers. So…
Lobby Update – 0.10.98
This update is mostly for Galactic War players. It solves some UI problems related to GW, as well as better internal functions (for the tournament server), sanity checks (for the proxy server) and code cleaning and libraries updates. It also remove FreeImage dependencies. Talking about Galactic War, remember that your help is needed to test…
Lobby 0.8.73
General Added buttons for the account renamer and the steamLink (http://www.faforever.com/?p=1219) in the login page. SteamLink allows Virtual Machine and several accounts on the same computer. Fixed the error reported (linking to tech forum). Galactic War Fix: Quitting a squad was creating a crash. FIX: slave message was disappearing. FIX: swirls not displaying properly when…
Lobby 0.8.70
Change log : Core: FreeImage warning are now ignored. They were causing the annoying, but harmless “Application has stop incorrectly, ….. check faforever.exe.log” errors when the lobby was closing. Incorrectly downloaded images are correctly replaced with the usual placeholder. Galactic War: Fixed an issue with the reinforcement panel crashing the lobby when units were given.…
Lobby 0.8.63
A galactic War update : You can now offer unit reinforcements to someone of your faction. New players start with 0 credits. Attacks are free at rank 0 (the starting one). Attacks cost more as your rank is higher (rank * 100). You can only attack a single planet at once. Second in command is…